Sunday, July 26, 2009

The word got out

Yes the word got out, I can finally say I received a negative comment on my blog. Thanks to a distraught gentleman named Matt-Man. Thank you sir I will be looking forward to more of your useless commentary in the future. Seems funny though ole Matt and I seem to be one in the same, seems he was brought up a catholic, he for sure likes his liquid refreshment seems Wild Irish Rose is his preference, there we differ, as you all know a cold Brewski is my choice, the only thing keeping us from being buddies is his political preference, and I sure do not hold that against him. The problem of coarse is his eloquent description of me....LOL. Seems I am an A..hole. But that's ok that's why we are all Americans, Freedom Of Speech.
You know I could sit here and say things like where did the name Matt-Man derive from? ( The world wiping it's feet on you ) but I won't. I am a peace loving guy, who dealt with angry alcoholic people like Matt Man all my career, so I would not let a guy like him upset my day, as a matter of fact it gives me more to blog about. Thank you Matt for being the first negative comment to my blog, I will be looking forward to hearing from you again...


PRH said...

Hey Harry Salute at ya on the Veterans Day from your old Nha Trang partner!

FHB said...

We've all had to deal with contrary opinions, particularly when we go political. I've had guys block me because they were so pissed, just because I had a different opinion and he didn't like the way I expressed it. Ya gotta have a thick skin in this medium, particularly if you're gonna bring it on by goin' political. But it's easy to find people out here who are thin skinned. All they want is a pat on the back and a "youbetcha!" Tell 'em you think they're a dumbass and they hit the roof.

Harry J said...

Thanks for the encouragement PRH and FHB, I will keep that in mind for future blogs....


Hi, Harry here, welcome to my Blog. I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to spelling and typing but I am learning every day and with the help of my beautiful wife of 43 years Anna, I am getting better at it. I am a retired Philadelphia Police Officer but seem to be busier than ever trying to get things done I couldn't get to for thirtyfive years. I never know when I can get to my blog but I will make an effort to get it done at least two or three times a week. I am sure some will like it and some will fined it ridiculous but thats ok. Well welcome and I hope you enjoy......

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