Thursday, July 2, 2009

It was brought to my attention in a blog written by a good buddy of mine who shared a few moments of my life when we were stationed at Nha Trang Air Force Base in Viet Nam, our 40th anniversary is this year. What Pat is going to do every day that he can he's going to write about his experiences in Viet Nam from the trip to and the return home. "" Well this gave me an idea for my blog, seeing how I am having difficulty in getting ideas, what would be easier than blogging about something that I did for 35 yrs. No I won't bore you and myself with war stories which most non police would not believe anyway, I would rather blog about the good aspects of the job, the people we meet that are true supporters, the activities I have been part of such as Shriners Hospital demonstration for crippled children, The Thrill show, School demonstrations to show school age children what Police K-9's can do.

I guess the best place to start is from the beginning I entered the Police Academy on December 12, 1972, back in those days it didn't take a brain surgeon to get through, it was more like 10 weeks of the basics on crimes code and traffic code, we also learned enough hand to hand to get hurt, to think of it you never really learned the job till you went on the street, and there you had the tutelage of the old timers, they were actually the ones who got you through the first couple months. My first assignment was to march in the Saint Patties day parade, it was a cold windy March day, I remember it well, my first official duty as an officer was chase down the Mayor's hat who happened to be the police commissioner before being elected Mayor. I can report the assignment went flawless, the hat had some dirt on it but I got the job done. They were so impressed with the speed and ease at which I performed my first job they rewarded me by making my first assignment the subway unit. It was ok working in the Bowels of the city, rideing the train just wasn't the same as driving a sector car, the clickity clack of the train just was't the same as the wail of a siren and the lights flashing that really got the juices flowing and the adrenaline rising, that's were a rookie cop belongs. About 9 months later I was given the opportunity to go to the K-9 unit and train with my first K9 partner Fritz seen here on the Dillworth Plaza which is on the West side of City Hall. He was probably pound for pound my best partner, don't get me wrong, all my K9 partners were great just Fritz being the first will always have a special meaning to me, kind of like your first date. (boy that will get me into the caca with misses B). Fritz was a strong powerful dog, he loved my family, his job, he knew the good guys from the bad.I worked Fritz about 12 years and I had him till he died at age 15. Well I just got company, my grandaughter so I will continue later...

1 comment:

PRH said...

Good Way to start Harry.....12/12/72? Wow...that goes back dad passed away that Christmas Eve, so those days, some 36 plus years ago are well remembered.


Hi, Harry here, welcome to my Blog. I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to spelling and typing but I am learning every day and with the help of my beautiful wife of 43 years Anna, I am getting better at it. I am a retired Philadelphia Police Officer but seem to be busier than ever trying to get things done I couldn't get to for thirtyfive years. I never know when I can get to my blog but I will make an effort to get it done at least two or three times a week. I am sure some will like it and some will fined it ridiculous but thats ok. Well welcome and I hope you enjoy......

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