So you want to get away from it all? You need to get away from the every day grind of work, the pressures of the economy, and just the every day aggravation of getting out of bed only to repeat what you did yesterday, is that why you need that Vacation? well that is understandable, just don't tell me I didn't warn you. As you may already know I worked at the Airport for approximately 10 yrs. so I have seen things that you just wouldn't believe when it comes to traveling by air. You see just as you think you are getting away from it all, you step into a world that makes your work related stress seem like a day in the amusement park. Your first bit of stress is your arrival at the airport departure road, when you pull to the curb the first thing you feel is that all the police officers assigned to the unit are watching you, just waiting to pounce on your vehicle the second you leave it unattended which they will if left for more than 5 minutes, now you get past the departure road and feel you've gotten away with something because you left your car for 6 minutes and it was still there unticketed. Ok you now leave the check in and are approaching the the security check point. The first thing you notice is the nice white shirts with gold badges on the TSA personnel, very professional, patting down the old ladies and going through your carry on looking for whatever it is three weeks of training trains you to find. Ahh great your now past the most stressful part of the journey, time to sit back and relax and wait for your flight number to be called. You can't wait to be in the hands of those capable aerospace aviators we call Pilots. Your flight is called you find your seat, you sit back in anticipation of feeling the Air Craft being pushed back from the gate,with engines starting up, the tugs are released and you taxi to the end of the runway, the pilot announces Clarence to depart you feel the plane lurch forward as the powerful engines wine to their full throttle-up. Yes here we go!!!!!!
(Running screaming out the door to hide quivering in the shed..)
Even though I was a fly/sky Cop in the AF....and still to this day fly a dozen times a year or more. I absolutley hate it....and now with many airports being like scuzzy Greyhound Bus stations, it's even worse.
If I could manage not to fly again in my life, it wouldn't bother me in the least.
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