Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Entering another Milestone

Well here we go, another milestone in my Moments in this Short Life, as of tomorrow the 20th of December I will be signing up for medicare, don't ask me what I am doing, they sure don't teach you in school what to do when this time in your life comes up. Nervice you say, a bit I say, between Anna and I, we received so many company brochures as you can see, all claiming to make it easier and cheeper if you go with their company, the truth of the matter is after all is said and done a retired person when needing the coverage will give up a large portion of their pention to get minimal coverage. The first part is easy, Part A and B, but after that it is like gambling, will I get sick enough to need the high priced Part C or F, or should I take the chance and forgo  those Parts for now, and if I do I will need a physical to get it later. Now we haven't talked about Part D yet, Prescriptions again more money, it makes my head spin. Guess there is no sense in crying we all have these decision to make sooner or later, I just wish the proceedures were more understanding. Well wish me luck......


Hi, Harry here, welcome to my Blog. I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to spelling and typing but I am learning every day and with the help of my beautiful wife of 43 years Anna, I am getting better at it. I am a retired Philadelphia Police Officer but seem to be busier than ever trying to get things done I couldn't get to for thirtyfive years. I never know when I can get to my blog but I will make an effort to get it done at least two or three times a week. I am sure some will like it and some will fined it ridiculous but thats ok. Well welcome and I hope you enjoy......

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